Information - a fluid stream of data

It's not easy to fully understand what I mean by 'information' here. Everything is a display of 'information' – your mind, thoughts, emotions, entanglements, perplexities, feelings – these are all just 'information' in the air, not residing within you. Someone next to you with a powerful mind might be able to pick up on all this information. These are merely the simple expressions of information. On a deeper level, consider what you did yesterday, where you went last week, what you wore, and who you were with – these are all bits of information in the air. Someone with a very powerful mind can pick up on this information to "see" your 'past.' 'Information' is the core of everything, transcending space and time, existing as a fluid stream of data.

It's not easy to fully understand what I mean by 'information' here. Everything is a display of 'information' – your mind, thoughts, emotions, entanglements, perplexities, feelings – these are all… more
The level of wealth a person can ultimately achieve is not largely related to their education, appearance, family, or interpersonal relationships. The true core is their energy level. Success is… more
Love and hate, gain and loss, praise and scorn are twins. Can you keep a calm heart when you experience the moment of their transformation?The way to stay in the best state is to see through the… more
We believe that the problems in this world should be solved using the physical methods of this world. In fact, many problems in this world can be solved by changing our underlying thoughts and… more
Energy is merely the manifestation of virtual information. To elevate our energy level, we must elevate the level of information in our minds. The energy level of someone who focuses on what happens… more
While young people may work hard to learn various skills, success is not guaranteed. However, investing time in improving one's mindset can lead to more friends, better relationships, increased… more
When negative thoughts arise, do nothing but focus on observing the thought. This is a way to break through the thought. 
When you are troubled, don't get caught up in the trouble. Instead, observe your trouble from a third-person perspective. Where exactly is the trouble? Is it in your head? If so, where in your head?… more
The concept of ZERO represents infinity. It transcends duality (opposites), has no boundaries, encompasses everything, and embodies the absence of conflict. Everything arises from ZERO, making it the… more
We enter the world with nothing and leave with nothing. Nothing material can be taken with us. Letting go of our attachments to possessions and desires is the first step towards true freedom. 
In the vastness of space, everything is just an aggregation of information. It gathers in one moment and disperses in the next, just like the people you pass by on the street. One moment you bump… more
Our minds are often cluttered with useless information, much like a room filled with unnecessary clutter. Most of this information is about the past that has already passed or the future that has yet… more
We live in a fully intelligent virtual world, where everything is intelligently interconnected. When you tattoo a flower on your body, information about the flower merges with you. Similarly, when… more
All our negative emotions come from the disharmony of information. Family, work, and emotional problems all come from incomplete information. Good information is like a complete circle, with no… more
Just as a bottle filled with water cannot hold any more, a mind filled with knowledge finds it difficult to grow. The state we should strive for is zero, where anything can be contained but nothing… more
All of our emotions are virtual, they are just illusory information. Next time you are happy or angry, try to find where the happiness is, where the anger is. Is it in your head? In what specific… more
Success in career and a happy family both require the support of a relatively complete energy. First, we need to understand what the most complete energy is. Zero is the representation of completeness
Learning the significance of zero means understanding that you can enjoy things without possessing them, what you can strive for but not obsess over, what you can experience but nothing belongs to… more
In China, there is a saying, ‘One thought is heaven, another thought is hell.’ In our space, nothing is fixed. Anything can change in an instant. Zero is the essence of everything that never changes… more
The wisdom in your mind is your power. Deeply excavating wisdom is the alchemy of life. All information already exists in the virtual void. You just need to train your brain to access it.