Increase your energy

When you wish to increase your own energy, train yourself not to have jealousy, greed, or hatred. These are all thoughts that diminish our energy. When your innermost desire is solely to benefit others, you are very powerful.


Everything we perceive in the physical world, such as life, career, family, partner, children, health, etc., is a manifestation of the information in our brains. The information in our brains is the… more
Yesterday’s events are still vivid in your mind, as real as if they had just happened. But they have already vanished completely into nothingness. Don’t even think about yesterday; think about what… more
Health implies 'no conflict' at the informational level. As long as there is duality confrontation occurring, people may experience health problems wherever there is information conflict. If the… more
We are easily influenced by the emotions of those around us. When there are negative people around us, we also tend to feel negative. We should learn to observe ourselves and our surroundings from a… more
The adversities, unpleasant people, and various troubles in our lives seem to appear one after another, coming from all directions. They are like waves on the surface of the sea, one after another,… more
When you are troubled, don't get caught up in the trouble. Instead, observe your trouble from a third-person perspective. Where exactly is the trouble? Is it in your head? If so, where in your head?… more
Good information creates a good life.Good information means:No conflict or oppositionNo harm or hatredLove and compassionWith these factors, life has a foundation from which to take off. 
Zero represents 360-degree full coverage without blind spots. When making business judgments, we need to have a "zero" state, not to easily fall into any single scenario, but to examine the overall… more
In China, there is a saying, ‘One thought is heaven, another thought is hell.’ In our space, nothing is fixed. Anything can change in an instant. Zero is the essence of everything that never changes… more
Zero represents a state of no hatred, no jealousy, and no conflict. All emotions are merely temporary and will eventually dissipate like smoke in the wind. We should not get caught up in fleeting… more
Young people should learn to constantly reset their thinking to ZERO to maintain the vitality of their thoughts. Zero means no limits, no burdens, and infinite possibilities.
While young people may work hard to learn various skills, success is not guaranteed. However, investing time in improving one's mindset can lead to more friends, better relationships, increased… more
In China, there is a saying, ‘One thought is heaven, another thought is hell.’ In our space, nothing is fixed. Anything can change in an instant. Zero is the essence of everything that never changes… more
Maintain a clear and tranquil state of mind. Avoid getting bogged down in a sea of information, which is like trying to see clearly in murky water. Only when our minds are like clear water can we… more
Energy is merely the manifestation of virtual information. To elevate our energy level, we must elevate the level of information in our minds. The energy level of someone who focuses on what happens… more
When one day you come to the realization that you possess nothing, you will find true freedom.For all that we own are but chains that bind us.The more chains we accumulate, the more trapped we become.
Information is simply information. It's in the air, you can't see it, you can't touch it, but it will come to your mind as a thought. In the realm of the "information world," there is no space or… more
The person you're always looking for is always the wrong one, because you can only meet people who are on the same frequency as you. 
Everyone strives to enhance their personal energy levels through exercise, fitness, and energy-boosting foods. However, these measures only elevate physical strength. Mental fortitude cannot be… more
Our minds are often cluttered with useless information, much like a room filled with unnecessary clutter. Most of this information is about the past that has already passed or the future that has yet… more