Energy is merely the manifestation of virtual information. To elevate our energy level, we must elevate the level of information in our minds. The energy level of someone who focuses on what happens in their own home every day is undoubtedly different from that of someone who focuses on what happens on this planet every day.
Let go of attachment to money and career, but work hard. This is a different mindset to face life.
When something negative happens, you have two choices:1: You can get caught up in it and throw a tantrum.2: You can observe yourself and your relationship to the situation from a third-person… more
A novice meditator attempts to still the river-like thoughts in their mind, while a true master of meditation stands by the river, observing the flowing water, their heart unmoved, unattached, and… more
Young people should learn to constantly reset their thinking to ZERO to maintain the vitality of their thoughts. Zero means no limits, no burdens, and infinite possibilities.
When you are troubled, don't get caught up in the trouble. Instead, observe your trouble from a third-person perspective. Where exactly is the trouble? Is it in your head? If so, where in your head?… more
All the people and events that have happened in life are like the wind in the air, making you feel something but then disappearing without a trace. Zero is our constant state.
Everything is a combination of information: our lives, careers, health, relationships, and so on. Therefore, the key to everything lies in how we assemble the best information.
In China, there is a saying, ‘One thought is heaven, another thought is hell.’ In our space, nothing is fixed. Anything can change in an instant. Zero is the essence of everything that never changes… more
The world's problems can largely be traced back to one root cause: the human desire for more. Whether it's individuals, groups, or even nations, everyone is always striving to acquire more and more… more
If you can understand the essence of this virtual world, you will discover that everything in this world is related to human thoughts, and everything can be changed by changing human thoughts.
Mental health problems often stem from the realm of 'information.' If you know how to manage information, you can eliminate many of them. In this world, there are only two paths to follow: the left,… more
The energy of this world is merely a manifestation of information. If you want to elevate your energy and become more competitive, you must cultivate your consciousness. When your consciousness can… more
Learning the significance of zero means understanding that you can enjoy things without possessing them, what you can strive for but not obsess over, what you can experience but nothing belongs to… more
Mindfulness is the foundation of everything, and it is the umbrella that protects us from all dualistic distinctions. Without mindfulness, we are prone to making wrong judgments at any time. One… more
In the realm of zero, everything is increasing, like 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on. Therefore, in this world, everything is growing, just like human desires are boundless. This needs to be changed.
In emptiness, there's no difference between "me" and "others." It's just the manifestation of one entity. "Me" is part of "others," and "others" are part of "me." So, doing good to "others" is kind… more
The notion of possessing someone or something is a misconception. You can never truly own a person or thing. You can only experience them. This is the essence of the virtual world, and it is also the… more
When one day you come to the realization that you possess nothing, you will find true freedom.For all that we own are but chains that bind us.The more chains we accumulate, the more trapped we become.
Everything in this world is transient, like a block of ice that will melt and return to water after a while. Everything is constantly changing between existence and non-existence, there is no fixed… more
Humans do not need to go to Mars. Going to Mars does not solve any problems. All humans need to do is change their way of thinking to change everything.