"Clean" - meaning

"Clean" means the absence of negative information — completely pure or positive, free from dirt, foreign elements, confrontation, and harm. It implies being unobstructed and completely clear in 360 degrees, much like pure water and pure air. This is the level of quality we aim for in the information we seek for ourselves.

We are easily influenced by the emotions of those around us. When there are negative people around us, we also tend to feel negative. We should learn to observe ourselves and our surroundings from a… more
When we want to succeed, first we cannot have too many obstacles, otherwise it will be difficult to make any progress. Obstacles come from conflicting information from all sides, and this information… more
Love and hate, gain and loss, praise and scorn are twins. Can you keep a calm heart when you experience the moment of their transformation?The way to stay in the best state is to see through the… more
The person you're always looking for is always the wrong one, because you can only meet people who are on the same frequency as you. 
Our environment is full of conflict and confrontation, which is a manifestation of low energy. Peace is the most powerful force.
We are accustomed to wanting more, to possessing more. When will we learn to want less, to not possess? When we learn to reduce our burdens, the less we possess, the more freedom we will have. 
Just as a bottle filled with water cannot hold any more, a mind filled with knowledge finds it difficult to grow. The state we should strive for is zero, where anything can be contained but nothing… more
The concept of ZERO represents infinity. It transcends duality (opposites), has no boundaries, encompasses everything, and embodies the absence of conflict. Everything arises from ZERO, making it the… more
To advance your career, you must continuously acquire new knowledge. However, your brain will eventually reach its capacity, leading to exhaustion. Nevertheless, by mastering the art of resetting… more
We can carefully observe and ask ourselves a question: Where is my heart? Is it in the physical heart itself? In which specific part of the heart? In a particular cell? Or is it in the brain? In… more
The power of "ZERO", the source of the endless fission and manifestation of all things, is "0". "0" represents the absence of binary opposites, and can encompass all existence. "0" represents no… more
How to extend your lifespan? Consider human life as a mathematical formula. When you are young, it's like 6 + 9 = 15, with things on the rise. However, as you age, the formula becomes more like 60 -… more
Health implies 'no conflict' at the informational level. As long as there is duality confrontation occurring, people may experience health problems wherever there is information conflict. If the… more
When you are troubled, don't get caught up in the trouble. Instead, observe your trouble from a third-person perspective. Where exactly is the trouble? Is it in your head? If so, where in your head?… more
Everyone experiences some degree of depression, which can be completely alleviated and even eliminated through meditation and adjusting the information in the brain. The key is to understand that… more
Everything is a combination of information: our lives, careers, health, relationships, and so on. Therefore, the key to everything lies in how we assemble the best information.
Transforming our consciousness is the fundamental key to solving all problems. This transformation implies that our current human thought patterns might be leading us in the wrong direction. 
By the time you see the river, you are already beyond it. By the time you see the mountain, you are already beyond it. When you can see your own fluctuating emotions, you are already beyond them.… more
Information is simply information. It's in the air, you can't see it, you can't touch it, but it will come to your mind as a thought. In the realm of the "information world," there is no space or… more
Every negative thought can become an obstacle in our lives and work. Even though it is just a thought, it will be stored in our minds in the form of virtual information until one day it will manifest… more