As steady as the seabed

The seabed is motionless as the waves roll endlessly on the surface of the sea. The waves are like the endless manifestations of this world, but if your consciousness can be as steady as the seabed, all the surface waves will have no effect on you. You can even influence the fluctuations of the waves.

In the vastness of space, everything is just an aggregation of information. It gathers in one moment and disperses in the next, just like the people you pass by on the street. One moment you bump… more
Young people should learn to constantly reset their thinking to ZERO to maintain the vitality of their thoughts. Zero means no limits, no burdens, and infinite possibilities.
Posted @withregram • @_thezero__ If you could understand that everything eventually returns to the world of zero, your wealth, your family, your life's work - everything in this world is just a… more
Yesterday’s events are still vivid in your mind, as real as if they had just happened. But they have already vanished completely into nothingness. Don’t even think about yesterday; think about what… more
Love and hate, gain and loss, praise and scorn are twins. Can you keep a calm heart when you experience the moment of their transformation?The way to stay in the best state is to see through the… more
Everyone experiences some degree of depression, which can be completely alleviated and even eliminated through meditation and adjusting the information in the brain. The key is to understand that… more
Mental health problems often stem from the realm of 'information.' If you know how to manage information, you can eliminate many of them. In this world, there are only two paths to follow: the left,… more
The person you're always looking for is always the wrong one, because you can only meet people who are on the same frequency as you. 
The notion of “possession” is a fallacy. In reality, we do not own anything in this life; we are merely temporary custodians of things. Yet, we spend our entire lives striving for “possession,” and… more
Transforming our consciousness is the fundamental key to solving all problems. This transformation implies that our current human thought patterns might be leading us in the wrong direction. 
Emptiness means "ZERO" which is very simple yet difficult to experience because it indicates a different logic in how our system works and how one should "think." It offers a completely different… more
When something negative happens, you have two choices:1: You can get caught up in it and throw a tantrum.2: You can observe yourself and your relationship to the situation from a third-person… more
Information is simply information. It's in the air, you can't see it, you can't touch it, but it will come to your mind as a thought. In the realm of the "information world," there is no space or… more
Our environment is full of conflict and confrontation, which is a manifestation of low energy. Peace is the most powerful force.
The seabed is motionless as the waves roll endlessly on the surface of the sea. The waves are like the endless manifestations of this world, but if your consciousness can be as steady as the seabed,… more
We live in a fully intelligent virtual world, where everything is intelligently interconnected. When you tattoo a flower on your body, information about the flower merges with you. Similarly, when… more
The concept of ZERO represents infinity. It transcends duality (opposites), has no boundaries, encompasses everything, and embodies the absence of conflict. Everything arises from ZERO, making it the… more
The Secret of Our World: This World is a Virtual World. 
The additive path is boundless. Humans can go to Mars, to the Milky Way, and there will always be further, never-ending addition has never brought true liberation and freedom to humanity.
In emptiness, there's no difference between "me" and "others." It's just the manifestation of one entity. "Me" is part of "others," and "others" are part of "me." So, doing good to "others" is kind… more