ZERO is the largest number

What is the largest number in the world? 100 million? 1 billion? 100 billion? Zero is the largest, as zero represents infinity and has no limits. Once you understand zero, you understand the world.


Our minds are often cluttered with useless information, much like a room filled with unnecessary clutter. Most of this information is about the past that has already passed or the future that has yet… more
Success in career and a happy family both require the support of a relatively complete energy. First, we need to understand what the most complete energy is. Zero is the representation of completeness
What is the largest number in the world? 100 million? 1 billion? 100 billion? Zero is the largest, as zero represents infinity and has no limits. Once you understand zero, you understand the world.
By the time you see the river, you are already beyond it. By the time you see the mountain, you are already beyond it. When you can see your own fluctuating emotions, you are already beyond them.… more
Yesterday’s events are still vivid in your mind, as real as if they had just happened. But they have already vanished completely into nothingness. Don’t even think about yesterday; think about what… more
Energy is merely the manifestation of virtual information. To elevate our energy level, we must elevate the level of information in our minds. The energy level of someone who focuses on what happens… more
Young people need to raise their energy in order to achieve success. However, this energy does not refer to the physical strength gained after exercise, but rather to an infinite heart of… more
We are accustomed to wanting more, to possessing more. When will we learn to want less, to not possess? When we learn to reduce our burdens, the less we possess, the more freedom we will have. 
When you miss someone, observe where exactly this "missing" is. Is it in your heart? In your mind? In which part of your brain? In which cell? Is it in the left or right side of your brain? In which… more
It's not easy to fully understand what I mean by 'information' here. Everything is a display of 'information' – your mind, thoughts, emotions, entanglements, perplexities, feelings – these are all… more
"Clean" means the absence of negative information — completely pure or positive, free from dirt, foreign elements, confrontation, and harm. It implies being unobstructed and completely clear in 360… more
Humans do not need to go to Mars. Going to Mars does not solve any problems. All humans need to do is change their way of thinking to change everything. 
The notion of possessing someone or something is a misconception. You can never truly own a person or thing. You can only experience them. This is the essence of the virtual world, and it is also the… more
The adversities, unpleasant people, and various troubles in our lives seem to appear one after another, coming from all directions. They are like waves on the surface of the sea, one after another,… more
When you think you are worth 100,000, you have the destiny of being worth 100,000. When you think you are worth 1 million, you have the destiny of being worth 1 million. When you think you are worth… more
Our consciousness is like waves rising in the water, and in a very short time, the waves return to the water and completely disappear. If you can carefully observe your consciousness, it is like… more
We live in a virtual world centered on zero, where everything is an exchange of information. Once you understand this, you understand the rules of this world. 
Transforming our consciousness is the fundamental key to solving all problems. This transformation implies that our current human thought patterns might be leading us in the wrong direction. 
Love and hate, gain and loss, praise and scorn are twins. Can you keep a calm heart when you experience the moment of their transformation?The way to stay in the best state is to see through the… more
When you wish to increase your own energy, train yourself not to have jealousy, greed, or hatred. These are all thoughts that diminish our energy. When your innermost desire is solely to benefit… more