Love is often the highest form of selfishness. I love you because it's "me" who loves you. If I don't love you, I don't love you. Everything is for "me," not for "love."
We live in a virtual world centered on zero, where everything is an exchange of information. Once you understand this, you understand the rules of this world.
A novice meditator attempts to still the river-like thoughts in their mind, while a true master of meditation stands by the river, observing the flowing water, their heart unmoved, unattached, and… more
We are easily influenced by the emotions of those around us. When there are negative people around us, we also tend to feel negative. We should learn to observe ourselves and our surroundings from a… more
If you could understand that everything eventually returns to the world of zero, your wealth, your family, your life's work - everything in this world is just a temporary experience. We are merely… more
Zero represents 360-degree full coverage without blind spots. When making business judgments, we need to have a "zero" state, not to easily fall into any single scenario, but to examine the overall… more
Emptiness means "ZERO" which is very simple yet difficult to experience because it indicates a different logic in how our system works and how one should "think." It offers a completely different… more
While young people may work hard to learn various skills, success is not guaranteed. However, investing time in improving one's mindset can lead to more friends, better relationships, increased… more
Maintain a clear and tranquil state of mind. Avoid getting bogged down in a sea of information, which is like trying to see clearly in murky water. Only when our minds are like clear water can we… more
If you can understand the essence of this virtual world, you will discover that everything in this world is related to human thoughts, and everything can be changed by changing human thoughts.
Our hearts are free from greed, resentment, and delusion. They are not attached to anything. We let our hearts rest naturally in their original state, which is pure, bright, empty, and void of… more
In the realm of zero, everything is increasing, like 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on. Therefore, in this world, everything is growing, just like human desires are boundless. This needs to be changed.
In China, there is a saying, ‘One thought is heaven, another thought is hell.’ In our space, nothing is fixed. Anything can change in an instant. Zero is the essence of everything that never changes… more
To advance your career, you must continuously acquire new knowledge. However, your brain will eventually reach its capacity, leading to exhaustion. Nevertheless, by mastering the art of resetting… more
Information is simply information. It's in the air, you can't see it, you can't touch it, but it will come to your mind as a thought. In the realm of the "information world," there is no space or… more
Our minds are often cluttered with useless information, much like a room filled with unnecessary clutter. Most of this information is about the past that has already passed or the future that has yet… more
Transforming our consciousness is the fundamental key to solving all problems. This transformation implies that our current human thought patterns might be leading us in the wrong direction.
The energy of this world is merely a manifestation of information. If you want to elevate your energy and become more competitive, you must cultivate your consciousness. When your consciousness can… more
Love and hate, gain and loss, praise and scorn are twins. Can you keep a calm heart when you experience the moment of their transformation?The way to stay in the best state is to see through the… more
In the vastness of space, everything is just an aggregation of information. It gathers in one moment and disperses in the next, just like the people you pass by on the street. One moment you bump… more
We enter the world with nothing and leave with nothing. Nothing material can be taken with us. Letting go of our attachments to possessions and desires is the first step towards true freedom.