If you can understand the essence of this virtual world, you will discover that everything in this world is related to human thoughts, and everything can be changed by changing human thoughts.
We live in a virtual world centered on zero, where everything is an exchange of information. Once you understand this, you understand the rules of this world.
Our consciousness is like waves rising in the water, and in a very short time, the waves return to the water and completely disappear. If you can carefully observe your consciousness, it is like… more
Mindfulness is the foundation of everything, and it is the umbrella that protects us from all dualistic distinctions. Without mindfulness, we are prone to making wrong judgments at any time. One… more
While young people may work hard to learn various skills, success is not guaranteed. However, investing time in improving one's mindset can lead to more friends, better relationships, increased… more
We enter the world with nothing and leave with nothing. Nothing material can be taken with us. Letting go of our attachments to possessions and desires is the first step towards true freedom.
The power of "ZERO", the source of the endless fission and manifestation of all things, is "0". "0" represents the absence of binary opposites, and can encompass all existence. "0" represents no… more
The notion of “possession” is a fallacy. In reality, we do not own anything in this life; we are merely temporary custodians of things. Yet, we spend our entire lives striving for “possession,” and… more
Transforming our consciousness is the fundamental key to solving all problems. This transformation implies that our current human thought patterns might be leading us in the wrong direction.
When negative thoughts arise, do nothing but focus on observing the thought. This is a way to break through the thought.
Health implies 'no conflict' at the informational level. As long as there is duality confrontation occurring, people may experience health problems wherever there is information conflict. If the… more
Zero is the central source of all energy. To elevate our personal power,we must learn to cultivate a state of unwavering calm, allowing our essence to merge with the infinite stillness of zero.
Let go of attachment to money and career, but work hard. This is a different mindset to face life.
All our negative emotions come from the disharmony of information. Family, work, and emotional problems all come from incomplete information. Good information is like a complete circle, with no… more
Love is often the highest form of selfishness. I love you because it's "me" who loves you. If I don't love you, I don't love you. Everything is for "me," not for "love."
Zero represents a state of no hatred, no jealousy, and no conflict. All emotions are merely temporary and will eventually dissipate like smoke in the wind. We should not get caught up in fleeting… more
When you are troubled, don't get caught up in the trouble. Instead, observe your trouble from a third-person perspective. Where exactly is the trouble? Is it in your head? If so, where in your head?… more
If you understand meditation, when you meditate, try to observe your surroundings as a third party. Everything that we can perceive is just our eyes, skin, ears, nose, and brain’s perception of the… more
The level of wealth a person can ultimately achieve is not largely related to their education, appearance, family, or interpersonal relationships. The true core is their energy level. Success is… more
Career is just the manifestation of your willpower. Your heart is like the sun, and your career is like the light that shines from the sun. The stronger the sun, the stronger the light. If young… more
The world's problems can largely be traced back to one root cause: the human desire for more. Whether it's individuals, groups, or even nations, everyone is always striving to acquire more and more… more