When negative thoughts arise, do nothing but focus on observing the thought. This is a way to break through the thought.
When you miss someone, observe where exactly this "missing" is. Is it in your heart? In your mind? In which part of your brain? In which cell? Is it in the left or right side of your brain? In which… more
Everything in this world is transient, like a block of ice that will melt and return to water after a while. Everything is constantly changing between existence and non-existence, there is no fixed… more
Love is often the highest form of selfishness. I love you because it's "me" who loves you. If I don't love you, I don't love you. Everything is for "me," not for "love."
When something negative happens, you have two choices:1: You can get caught up in it and throw a tantrum.2: You can observe yourself and your relationship to the situation from a third-person… more
All the people and events that have happened in life are like the wind in the air, making you feel something but then disappearing without a trace. Zero is our constant state.
In the vastness of space, everything is just an aggregation of information. It gathers in one moment and disperses in the next, just like the people you pass by on the street. One moment you bump… more
In China, there is a saying, ‘One thought is heaven, another thought is hell.’ In our space, nothing is fixed. Anything can change in an instant. Zero is the essence of everything that never changes… more
#How to Improve the Power of Thinking Series.Learn to observe yourself and your thoughts from a third-person perspective. Avoid falling into binary thinking. By doing so, you are less likely to be… more
Everything in this world manifests from zero. We ourselves, our families, relatives, and friends are all manifested according to certain rules. Our successes or failures are also formed within the… more
When you are troubled, don't get caught up in the trouble. Instead, observe your trouble from a third-person perspective. Where exactly is the trouble? Is it in your head? If so, where in your head?… more
The notion of possessing someone or something is a misconception. You can never truly own a person or thing. You can only experience them. This is the essence of the virtual world, and it is also the… more
Mental health problems often stem from the realm of 'information.' If you know how to manage information, you can eliminate many of them. In this world, there are only two paths to follow: the left,… more
The wisdom in your mind is your power. Deeply excavating wisdom is the alchemy of life. All information already exists in the virtual void. You just need to train your brain to access it.
The power of "ZERO", the source of the endless fission and manifestation of all things, is "0". "0" represents the absence of binary opposites, and can encompass all existence. "0" represents no… more
Yesterday’s events are still vivid in your mind, as real as if they had just happened. But they have already vanished completely into nothingness. Don’t even think about yesterday; think about what… more
Emptiness means "ZERO" which is very simple yet difficult to experience because it indicates a different logic in how our system works and how one should "think." It offers a completely different… more
Maintain a clear and tranquil state of mind. Avoid getting bogged down in a sea of information, which is like trying to see clearly in murky water. Only when our minds are like clear water can we… more
If you can understand the essence of this virtual world, you will discover that everything in this world is related to human thoughts, and everything can be changed by changing human thoughts.
Transforming our consciousness is the fundamental key to solving all problems. This transformation implies that our current human thought patterns might be leading us in the wrong direction.