When you think you are worth 100,000, you have the destiny of being worth 100,000. When you think you are worth 1 million, you have the destiny of being worth 1 million. When you think you are worth 100 million, you have the destiny of being worth 100 million. If you can be at peace with zero, you have the destiny of infinite inclusion and boundless scope.
Love is often the highest form of selfishness. I love you because it's "me" who loves you. If I don't love you, I don't love you. Everything is for "me," not for "love."
The level of wealth a person can ultimately achieve is not largely related to their education, appearance, family, or interpersonal relationships. The true core is their energy level. Success is essentially a battle between energies. Only by solving energy problems can we solve all problems. The higher the energy level, the easier it is for good things to happen, and the greater the amount of… more
We believe that the problems in this world should be solved using the physical methods of this world. In fact, many problems in this world can be solved by changing our underlying thoughts and adjusting the underlying information that is invisible to the naked eye.
When negative thoughts arise, do nothing but focus on observing the thought. This is a way to break through the thought.
#How to Improve the Power of Thinking Series.Learn to observe yourself and your thoughts from a third-person perspective. Avoid falling into binary thinking. By doing so, you are less likely to be influenced by your environment and can maintain the independence of your thoughts.
#How to Improve the Power of Thinking SeriesThe first step involves understanding the essence of thought, which is "emptiness." Every single one of our thoughts is like water frozen into an ice cube. It may appear solid for a while, but eventually, the ice cube melts back into water, returning to its original state. This is the reality of our ordinary thinking. Recognizing this is the first step… more
Our consciousness is like waves rising in the water, and in a very short time, the waves return to the water and completely disappear. If you can carefully observe your consciousness, it is like waves rising one after another, but then each one disappears into nothingness. This is the essence of our consciousness; it has no physical substance. It is completely empty, and its essence is zero.
The wisdom in your mind is your power. Deeply excavating wisdom is the alchemy of life. All information already exists in the virtual void. You just need to train your brain to access it.
We are very good at exchanging physical things in the physical world, spending money to buy clothes, food, and cars. But in fact, in the infinite void of the universe, our brains can also exchange virtual information.